Category: Sustainable Manufacturing

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Circular Economy Working Group Tour of C2 Management facility, September 22, 2018

Tucked back next to the railroad tracks in rural Berryville, Virginia, is an older warehouse complex which houses a business bustling with the magic of re-use, C2 Management. On Saturday, September 23, the Leaders in Energy Circular Economy Working Group visited the C2 Management facility for a tour of their impressive operation.

“Sustainable Scoop” Interview: Janine Finnell of Leaders in Energy

By JANINE FINNELL, MIRIAM GENNARI, and TRAVIS HIGH This article is based on an interview with Janine Finnell, Clean Energy Ambassador and Founder,...

The Currency of Entrepreneurship is Connections

Leaders in Energy recently co-hosted an Energy Technology ”Petting Zoo” with Potential Energy DC, an energy incubator, in Tyson’s Corner, in the Metro Washington, DC area. It was an exciting evening with numerous energy and environmental entrepreneurs displaying their business products and technologies. These ranged from an “Iron Goat” that cuts and pelletizes biomass feedstocks, including grass, to Yuck Old Paint, LLC™, which is the first and only company in the mid-Atlantic region that offers a green service to safely remove and dispose of old cans of paint from commercial and residential properties in an eco-friendly manner, to battery energy storage devices (Tumalow, Ecocell), and more.

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