By DR. MIRIAM ACZEL The clothing industry’s impact on carbon emissions is huge, and growing, with emission likely...
Wrestling the Nanotechnology Genie
By Bill Looney Nanotechnology (nanotech) has been described by some as the next Industrial Revolution. After more than 20 years...
Sunshine in a Glass: Sustainable Vineyard Tour
By ELVIN YUZUGULLU It was a beautiful day to nourish one’s intellect, passion, and palette. On September 22, 2018, the Leaders...
Circular Economy Working Group Tour of C2 Management facility, September 22, 2018
Tucked back next to the railroad tracks in rural Berryville, Virginia, is an older warehouse complex which houses a business bustling with the magic of re-use, C2 Management. On Saturday, September 23, the Leaders in Energy Circular Economy Working Group visited the C2 Management facility for a tour of their impressive operation.
8 Reasons Why You Should Use A Zero Waste Shop
By LIAM JONES What is a zero waste shop? With the recent BBC documentary ‘Drowning in Plastic’ shining a light on...
Buy It For Life: Best Products That Last Forever
By KEN HYDEN We’ve all heard someone claim that products just aren’t made like they used to be made, but have...
Sustainable Facilities Embrace the Circular Economy
By TRAVIS HIGH, Strategy Manager, Leaders in Energy As the world’s second-largest emitter of greenhouse gases and the largest economy,...
“Sustainable Scoop” Interview: Janine Finnell of Leaders in Energy
By JANINE FINNELL, MIRIAM GENNARI, and TRAVIS HIGH This article is based on an interview with Janine Finnell, Clean Energy Ambassador and Founder,...
Things to Consider When Searching for a Green Business Partner
By: Travis High, Leaders in Energy Product Strategy Manager At recent Leaders in Energy events I’ve attended, I’ve had the...
The Currency of Entrepreneurship is Connections
Leaders in Energy recently co-hosted an Energy Technology ”Petting Zoo” with Potential Energy DC, an energy incubator, in Tyson’s Corner, in the Metro Washington, DC area. It was an exciting evening with numerous energy and environmental entrepreneurs displaying their business products and technologies. These ranged from an “Iron Goat” that cuts and pelletizes biomass feedstocks, including grass, to Yuck Old Paint, LLC™, which is the first and only company in the mid-Atlantic region that offers a green service to safely remove and dispose of old cans of paint from commercial and residential properties in an eco-friendly manner, to battery energy storage devices (Tumalow, Ecocell), and more.
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