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Defense Authorization Bill Includes Provisions on Modernizing Energy Infrastructure and Enhancing Resilience

In a visit to Fort Drum on August 13, President Trump signed into law the John S. McCain National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2019 (P.L. 115-232), or NDAA. The new law includes key provisions on energy infrastructure modernization, resilience, and climate change preparation in the interest of national security.

Canada and climate change: the transition to a low-carbon economy is a golden opportunity

Justin Trudeau, Canada’s Prime Minister, has received extensive publicity for his active stance on tackling climate change, a marked contrast to his Southern neighbor, President Donald Trump. However, the provinces and territories of this vast country have a range of specific characteristics and conditions that make it difficult to implement climate policies – and a one-size-fits-all Federal policy simply wouldn’t work. At a provincial level, for example, British Columbia is known for its pioneering carbon taxation policy, which has delivered revenue-neutral emissions reductions by putting a direct price on carbon at the point of sale and redistributing the revenue within the province. In contrast, Quebec and Ontario favour cap and trade schemes to drive down greenhouse gas emissions, a policy they have built together with states in the US, such as California, to ensure they are in synch with important trading partners. This diversity of approach in Canada is reflective of the very different economic sectors, cultures, terrains and demographics the country is home to – including the rural versus urban distribution of people across different provinces.