Tag: SDGs

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The Time for Business to Act is Now

On the 25th September 2015 in New York a document entitled Transforming our World: The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development was endorsed by the 193 countries of the UN General Assembly. The Agenda set out 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and 169 targets covering a range of issues facing humanity including action on ending poverty, combating hunger, universally improving health and education, making our cities more sustainable, tackling climate change and protecting our oceans and forests. Unlike the Millennium Development Goals that came before them, the ambition and universality of the SGDs meant that every country on the planet, developed or developing, stands to benefit. Delivering on the goals we we’re assured by the authors of the agenda would create a fairer world, one where reduced poverty, improved health and better education would create greater wealth that would be more evenly distributed.

The HERA Group: from Local Utility to Global Sustainable Development

Hera’s strategic drivers are innovation, efficiency, growth, excellence, and agility. Sustainability has been at the center of the business strategy since its establishment. In 2016, the company decided to move forward to take an active role in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development of the United Nations and its 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG)

Green Leaders Examine United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals to Accelerate Local Action in Washington DC Region

On Friday, June 8th, Leaders in Energy held its inaugural Green Leaders for Local Impact Retreat at the Potomac Overlook Regional Park in Arlington, Virginia. The event was co-hosted by the Nature Leadership Center.  The purpose of this retreat was to celebrate the World Environment Day (June 5th) and examine how the United Nations’ (UN) Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) can be translated into local actions.