On February 23rd Leaders in Energy held its 4th Annual Clean Energy and Sustainability Extravaganza at the University of Maryland. The three-part event was a great forum for attendees to learn about exciting new developments and key challenges in clean energy and sustainability. The Extravaganza kicked off with a luncheon panel for the Council on Women in Energy and Environmental Leadership (CWEEL) on Career Perspectives in Cleantech from Women Leaders. The event continued with an all-day exposition and cleantech exhibits, as well as a University of Maryland Showcase and a Business Showcase. The final part of the jam-packed day was an evening reception, generously sponsored by Lockheed Martin.
Career Perspectives from Women Leaders in Cleantech
Gender inequality is acute in the energy sector, especially in fossil fuels. People interested in the clean energy space recognize that the sustainability of the energy sector is increased when stakeholders make diversity and inclusion a priority. Therefore, as energy systems are reconfigured toward more renewable systems, gender equality should be addressed and prioritized. The 4th Annual Energy and Sustainability Extravaganza at University of Maryland (UMD), College Park on February 23, 2018 began with an opening luncheon panel for the Council of Women in Energy and Environmental Leadership (CWEEL). The panel showcased three exceptional women who have championed sustainable energy movements in their respective fields.
A great time to be part of clean energy project finance
On January 19, 2018, over 100 people attended the 4th Annual green finance event under the theme of clean energy project financing: where the rubber meets the road. This forum was timely, as the topic of clean energy has become more important than ever, stated Janine Finnell, Executive Director of Leaders in Energy. With U.S. pulling out of the Paris Climate agreement, Finnell highlighted that there has been lot of concern about where clean energy and climate investing is headed. Despite this, a growing number of American companies are still planning to invest in renewable energy, according to surveys by GreenBiz and others. This news is encouraging, and there are also a lot of innovations in clean energy financing at the state and local level.
Want to Live in a More Sustainable World?
Leaders in Energy is a dynamic ecosystem of industry thought leaders and citizens who are actively creating a more sustainable world. February 23 is our annual Energy and Sustainability Extravaganza, this year at the University of Maryland. This annual event (our 4th) will be of direct value to Energy Managers / Facility Managers / VPs of Operations ... anyone who cares about optimizing how their respective organizations run. It will also appeal to those interested in electric cars, green building solutions, and solar energy. We provide a venue to network with others related to job opportunities and projects.
Urgency for leadership to spark collective action and transformational change
By KERRY WORTHINGTON As 2017 wraps up, it is becoming clear that leaders need support and an audience. As Janine Finnell, Executive Director, Leaders in Energy, pointed out – change leaders like Martin Luther King Jr. and Susan B. Anthony did not achieve their visions alone. They always have a supportive team to light the spark of action. The Leaders in Energy community is a global support team to encourage collective action and sincere change. What started off as a Linked-In group several years ago is now a multigenerational leadership and global action network. In 2017, LERCPA earned its 501(c)(3) status, conducted or participated in 14 events and workshops and expanded the number of its sponsors and benefactors. Much more is planned for 2018. This 4th annual 2017 Four Generations of Clean Energy and Sustainable Solutions Awards and Holiday Event recognized leaders in each of the four generations in the workplace, e.g., Millennial, Gen X, Baby Boomer, and World War II/Traditionalist. The event was sponsored by ArlingtonGreen, Longenecker & Associates, and Waterford, Inc. The event benefactors donated door prizes (revealed at the end). This was also Leaders in Energy 50th event!
10 great reasons to attend Four Generations on 12/1
Here are 10 reasons why the Leaders in Energy Four Generations Awards and Holiday Event is the place to be this Friday night! It’s all about “The Urgency of Now!”
The Urgency of Now and Building a Global Action Network for Change
Do you feel that you matter and that you can make a difference to make this world a better place through positive action? Increasingly, people are feeling bombarded by so much bad news that they can start totally tuning out or becoming paralyzed by inaction because they are totally overloaded or disillusioned. It’s like what can one person do?
Microgrids reach a tipping point
Federal and local government and industry professionals discussed microgrid technologies and trends at a forum on October 19, 2017 at the Edison Electric Institute (EEI). The event was cohosted by Leaders in Energy and Resilient Virginia and sponsored by EEI, eSai LLC, and Microgrid Knowledge. The utilization of microgrids plus battery storage is increasingly seen as the wave of the future to help ensure energy reliability and security in an age of intense weather events and cybersecurity threats.
Steps toward action in the circular economy
Every time your smartphone screen shatters, do you ever stop and think: why do I have to buy a new one? Why can’t we just replace the parts that still have some value? These questions were raised by Janine Finnell, Executive Director of Leaders in Energy, at the third annual Circular Economy event on September 28, 2017 at the University of the District of Columbia. Several dozen participants from different backgrounds joined to learn about the circular economy and engage in small group discussions on how to expand its practices in our businesses, communities, and daily lives. The goal was to develop an action framework to further enable the circular economy in the Washington region.
Clean energy professionals exchange career tips
Leaders in Energy conducted its 4th annual Green Jobs Forum and Green Career Workshop on August 17, 2017. The sold-out event, with over 100 people participating, was held at the DC Sustainable Energy Utility (DCSEU) headquarters in Washington, DC.