By DR. MIRIAM ACZEL After refusing to support the nearly $2 trillion Build Back Better Act last year, Sen....
Across Political Spectrum, US Public Support for Biden Clean Energy Plan Is ‘Through the Roof’
By Brett Wilkins “Standing in the way of progress on climate, clean energy, and environmental justice is simply not an option for...
Affordable Clean Energy Rule Primer
By ANDY BARNES On June 19, 2019, Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Administrator Wheeler signed the final version of the Affordable Clean...
Climate Change and Canada’s Carbon Tax: A Necessary Step
By BROOKE NEPO The most recent UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report highlights the future consequences of a warming planet...
Brazil’s Wind Energy Development and Trends
Wind energy in Brazil is growing through competition and attracting foreign companies interested in investing in a low carbon future. Major companies, such as EDF, EDP and Stategrid (via CPFL) were amongst the successful bidders in the latest energy auction, which will add 2.1 GW of new installed capacity to the grid as disclosed by the Electricity Regulatory Agency (ANEEL). In 2017, Brazil was ranked the 2nd country by Bloomberg’s Climatescope, which compares the environment for clean energy and climate investment worldwide.
International perspectives and best practices from “Community Choice Energy” in providing financing for energy efficiency upgrades at the local level
By SILVIA ZINETTI The past two weeks I was busy traveling around Europe. By coincidence and good fortune, I was in...
What is the Affordable Clean Energy rule and how does it compare to the Clean Power Plan?
On August 20, Acting Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Administrator Wheeler signed a notice of proposed rulemaking called the Affordable Clean Energy (ACE) rule, the next step in developing the Trump Administration’s much-anticipated replacement to the Obama-era Clean Power Plan. The Affordable Clean Energy rule establishes guidelines for states to develop carbon emissions reductions standards for existing coal-fired power plants.
SCOOP & STACK Causing Cracks: Oklahoma Tightens Regulations to Curb Fracking Earthquakes
After a slew of earthquakes triggered from shale oil and gas operations, the Oklahoma Corporation Commission (OCC), the state’s oil and gas regulator, released new rules designed to reduce seismic activity. Hydraulic fracturing—fracking—is being used in combination with horizontal drilling to extract shale oil and gas in what has been called the “US’s hottest new area for horizontal development” in the state’s SCOOP and STACK shale plays, located in the Anadarko Basin.
Measuring Up: Smart Meter Lessons from the UK
Smart meters—small, electronic devices that track and record energy consumption, and communicate information back to the electrical utility—can reduce energy use by empowering consumers with the ability to monitor energy use and make better choices. Smart meters are an upgrade to outdated analog meters because they automatically record information in real time, rather than requiring someone to manually record and transmit the collected data. There are significant advantages to smart meters, both for utility companies and for energy consumers. Smart meters record electricity usage and provide real-time data that can help balance electricity usage while reducing the number of blackouts. They eliminate the need for cumbersome monthly meter readings. Smart meters also can enable dynamic pricing, meaning they can lower or raise the price of electricity in response to demand. In addition to enabling optimization of electricity distribution and reducing power outages and grid failures, smart meters can give consumers better and more detailed reports on energy use, and empower consumers to change their energy habits to reduce energy costs.
Urgency for leadership to spark collective action and transformational change
By KERRY WORTHINGTON As 2017 wraps up, it is becoming clear that leaders need support and an audience. As Janine Finnell, Executive Director, Leaders in Energy, pointed out – change leaders like Martin Luther King Jr. and Susan B. Anthony did not achieve their visions alone. They always have a supportive team to light the spark of action. The Leaders in Energy community is a global support team to encourage collective action and sincere change. What started off as a Linked-In group several years ago is now a multigenerational leadership and global action network. In 2017, LERCPA earned its 501(c)(3) status, conducted or participated in 14 events and workshops and expanded the number of its sponsors and benefactors. Much more is planned for 2018. This 4th annual 2017 Four Generations of Clean Energy and Sustainable Solutions Awards and Holiday Event recognized leaders in each of the four generations in the workplace, e.g., Millennial, Gen X, Baby Boomer, and World War II/Traditionalist. The event was sponsored by ArlingtonGreen, Longenecker & Associates, and Waterford, Inc. The event benefactors donated door prizes (revealed at the end). This was also Leaders in Energy 50th event!
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