Leaders in Energy reaches 2,900 members

Leaders in Energy reaches 2,900 members

Leaders in Energy recently celebrated another milestone – over 2,900 members in the Leaders in Energy Research, Communications, Policies & Analysis group on LinkedIn. Whenever this happens, we like to shine the spotlight on our members to show the diversity of talents and backgrounds that are joining our group. Some join the group virtually from wherever they are located around the world. Others attend our monthly networking events in the Washington, DC area. Today, let’s welcome Ari Dolmon, who we asked to give a brief introduction.

The Urgency of Now and Building a Global Action Network for Change

Do you feel that you matter and that you can make a difference to make this world a better place through positive action? Increasingly, people are feeling bombarded by so much bad news that they can start totally tuning out or becoming paralyzed by inaction because they are totally overloaded or disillusioned. It’s like what can one person do?

Steps toward action in the circular economy

Steps toward action in the circular economy

Every time your smartphone screen shatters, do you ever stop and think: why do I have to buy a new one? Why can’t we just replace the parts that still have some value? These questions were raised by Janine Finnell, Executive Director of Leaders in Energy, at the third annual Circular Economy event on September 28, 2017 at the University of the District of Columbia.

Several dozen participants from different backgrounds joined to learn about the circular economy and engage in small group discussions on how to expand its practices in our businesses, communities, and daily lives. The goal was to develop an action framework to further enable the circular economy in the Washington region.

Leaders in Energy reaches 2,600 members

Leaders in Energy reaches 2,600 members

Leaders in Energy recently celebrated another milestone – over 2,600 members in the Leaders in Energy Research, Communications, Policies & Analysis group on LinkedIn. We are pleased to welcome Marilyn Waite, who is one of the speakers at the Energy and Sustainability Extravaganza on February 24, 2017. Here’s what she had to say.

Opportunities for Green Financing in 2017

Opportunities for Green Financing in 2017

On January 20th, Leaders in Energy partnered with DC Net Impact to host a conversation on Green Financing. Held at a WeWork location in downtown Washington, DC, the event featured a panel of three experts who examined current as well as potential new funding sources for energy and sustainability programs, including in the private sector, international initiatives, and possibilities that may exist under the Trump Administration.

Leaders in Energy 2016 Year in Review

Around the world, 2016 was a year of tremendous change, upheaval in some cases, and new opportunities that the Leaders in Energy group, now in its fourth year, has explored during our twelve sustainability networking events in the Washington, DC area. Here is our review of the past year.

Careers, Industry Challenges, & Chapter Growth

Perspectives from 3 Attendees at CWEEL/WEEC Reception By MIRIAM ACZEL, Leaders in Energy On September 22, 2016, the Council on Women in Energy & Environmental...