7th Annual Green Finance Forum, Jan 21, 2021 PEDC & Leaders in Energy Green Financing: Panel 1 Recap Article The...
Green Career Workshop 1.0: What’s Your Green Career Plan?
By Khadija Khan On March 22, 2019, Leaders in Energy and National Association of Homebuilders (NAHB) jointly hosted two Green...
Extravaganza sponsors bring innovations to college campuses
At the Energy and Sustainability Extravaganza at The George Washington University (GW) on February 24, 2017, attendees learned about what universities in the DC area are doing to reach their sustainability goals and commitments. But, as some of the panelists acknowledged, no one person, office, or even university can bring the high-level change and results alone. At some point in almost any project, whether in higher education or elsewhere, partners are needed.
Dream, Team, Beam, and Full Steam Ahead to Sustainability!
The third annual Leaders in Energy Four Generations of Leaders in Clean Energy and Sustainable Solutions award and networking event on December 2, 2016 recognized energy and sustainability leaders from four generations of awardees.