By JENNA MCGUIRE Ocean researcher David Diaz said such ocean heatwaves were “the equivalent of underwater wildfires, with fauna and flora dying just as if...
Archive for category: climate change
Rejecting ‘Business as Usual’ While Planet Burns, Students Vow to Occupy Schools Worldwide
By JULIA CONLEY Students from around the world announced [in July] their intention to “disrupt business as usual” at their universities and schools this...
Can Lessons from Past Social Movements Help Solve Our Planetary Challenges?
By ANDREW GAINES A Force More Powerful: A Century of Nonviolent Conflict tells the stories of a number of 20th Century nonviolent social movements that changed...
Inflation Reduction Act Brings Renewed Hope for Climate Action
By DR. MIRIAM ACZEL After refusing to support the nearly $2 trillion Build Back Better Act last year, Sen. Joe Manchin III (D-WV) has...
6 Tips for Saving Electricity
By Enrique Hormillo Electricity is a necessity for modern life, and almost all devices you use every day require this resource. However, the level of...
BECC Conference Event Recap: ‘The Future is Local: Exploring the Future of Energy Through Grassroots Advanced Energy Communities’
By EUNICE CHUNG On Monday, November 8, the Oakland EcoBlock team participated in a panel discussion at the 2021 Virtual Behavior, Energy, and Climate Change (BECC)...
When Businesses Should Consult Environmental Engineers
By Adrian Johansen Businesses can hire engineers to investigate and resolve environmental problems. Environmental engineers work in a variety of settings. And they can...
Climate Crisis Will Bring More Record-Smashing Heat Waves in Coming Decades, Study Says
By Julia Conley “COP26 negotiators: take note.” The deadly heat waves recorded in Canada and the United States’ Pacific Northwest in recent weeks...
460+ Groups Demand Biden Pick a Climate Champion for Key Energy Position
By Jessica Corbett “Choosing a FERC nominee that will reject new fossil fuel development would be a strong sign that Biden intends to take...
300+ Civil Society Groups Counter-Mobilize Against UN Food Systems Summit
By Kenny Stancil “Repeating the agri-business-as-usual model to solve the food and climate crisis cannot deliver on the holistic and systemic transformation of...