Bike sharing has experienced astonishing growth since its first major breakthrough 20 years ago. Following the rise of dockless bike sharing, more than 1,000 cities worldwide now offer bike-sharing services. Around 300 cities implemented new systems in 2017 alone.
Bike sharing offers a bevy of benefits that make them attractive investments for sustainable cities. They help address mobility challenges such as congestion, poor air quality, high greenhouse gas emissions and lack of transport options. To help catalyze further expansion of this healthy and environmentally sustainable mode of transport, the Financing Sustainable Cities Initiative (FSCI) met with experts and cyclists in Bhopal, India, and Bogotá, Colombia.
Archive for tag: smart cities
Green for Green, Investing in Green Technologies
By lercpaIn clean energy, COP21, Green financing, Renewable Energy, smart cities, sustainabilityTags Arlington, DC, District of Columbia, Energy Efficiency, Finance, Green Bank, Green Banking, Green Financing, Green for Green, Industrial bond, Leaders in Energy, Montgomery County, Municipal Policy, PACE, Potential Energy DC, Renewable Policy, smart cities, Solar, Sustainability, Urban Planning, utilities, Washington
By KERRY WORTHINGTON, Leaders in Energy Reporter On January 20, 2016 Leaders in Energy once again teamed up with Potential Energy DC, this time to...
Smart Cities Event: It Takes a Village to Build a Smart City
By lercpaIn Economy, infrastructure, Innovation, Networking, smart cities, sustainabilityTags Amsterdam, Budderfly, Consumer behavior, Efficiency, Energy, energy consumption, Entrepreneurship, Infrastructure, Innovation, Netherlands, smart cities, Systems design, Thingstitute, WeWork
By KERRY WORTHINGTON, Leaders in Energy Whether it’s using existing resources more efficiently or developing new technologies, everyone can be involved in building a smarter...
Cities of The Future: Integrating Climate Planning and Smart Technologies
By lercpaIn climate change, climate-smart cities, Economy, economy today, environmental impact, infrastructure, restoration, smart cities, sustainability, transportation technology, treatment system, Uncategorized, Weather-related outagesTags Climate Change, ecosystem, resilience plan, smart cities
By ARMANDO GAETANIELLO, Leaders in Energy In 2012, the economic cost of climate change related damages had already topped the US government’s spending for transportation...