Green Leaders Examine United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals to Accelerate Local Action in Washington DC Region

Green Leaders Examine United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals to Accelerate Local Action in Washington DC Region

On Friday, June 8th, Leaders in Energy held its inaugural Green Leaders for Local Impact Retreat at the Potomac Overlook Regional Park in Arlington, Virginia. The event was co-hosted by the Nature Leadership Center.  The purpose of this retreat was to celebrate the World Environment Day (June 5th) and examine how the United Nations’ (UN) Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) can be translated into local actions.

The Urgency of Now and Building a Global Action Network for Change

Do you feel that you matter and that you can make a difference to make this world a better place through positive action? Increasingly, people are feeling bombarded by so much bad news that they can start totally tuning out or becoming paralyzed by inaction because they are totally overloaded or disillusioned. It’s like what can one person do?

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