6th Annual Clean Energy and Sustainability Extravaganza
–Innovative Trends on University Campuses in Clean Energy and Sustainability
University of Maryland-College Park, Friday, February 28th, 11 am – 6 pm.
Conducted by the Association of Energy Engineers-National Capital Chapter (AEE NCC) and Leaders in Energy (LE), our theme is “Innovative Trends on Campuses in Clean Energy and Sustainability” including energy planning for carbon neutrality and smart city applications, renewable energy and energy efficiency, local food-to cafeteria and composting/reducing food waste, water efficiency, and sustainable transportation. This event will showcase new ideas, technologies, policies, products, and services.
NOTE: Volunteer and receive a complimentary ticket to attend our Extravaganza all-day. Examples include: reporting on a session, serving as a Welcoming Ambassador at our registration desk, taking photos, getting the word out on social media, clean-up, floating to lend a hand where needed, etc. Contact us on how you would like to help at: info@leadersinenergy.org
TRANSPORTATION AND PARKING: There is a university shuttle (No. 104) that can take you to the event from the College Park Metro Station and drops off just steps away from the Clark School. There is some ongoing construction at the metro, so you can just follow the signs to catch the 104 University Shuttle. Riders can take the shuttle and get off at the second stop at the Wind Tunnel (red X on the map), cross the Paint Branch, and take a nice walk up to the Clark School..
There is also parking near the venue. Here is a map that shows the University Shuttle stop and the Regent’s Parking lot. Here is a another map of A. James Clark Engineering Hall which shows nearby parking at the Xfinity Parking lot.
Extravaganza Agenda
(See speaker bios and photos here)
- 11 am – 1:45 pm: Luncheon Panel, Council on Women in Energy & Environmental Leadership (CWEEL): Perspectives on Advancing Gender Equity in the Energy Industry.
- 2:00 – 6:00 pm Showcase Panels
- Exhibitors showcase – Meet with Exhibitors from clean energy and sustainability companies and organizations
Registration includes all events including the CWEEL Luncheon and Showcase refreshments.
Job seekers, students, and everyone concerned about our future are welcome. Participants can connect with members of AEE and Leaders in Energy, university departments, cleantech businesses, and other Extravaganza attendees. Speakers will be announced as they are confirmed.
Register today to attend!
PROGRAM AGENDA (Detailed speaker bios available for the panel speakers here)
–Innovative Trends on University Campuses in Clean Energy and Sustainability–
Registration and Networking – 11:00 to 11:30 am
Luncheon – 11:30 am to 12:30 pm
Welcome to Extravaganza – 12:15 pm
Solome Girma, Master of Ceremonies, CEM, LEED GA, Director, Program Management Office at District of Columbia Sustainable Energy Utility (DCSEU)
- Ida Namur, Vice President, Association of Energy Engineers – National Capital Chapter (AEE NCC), Welcoming Remarks
- Farah Singer, Student Advisor, AEE NCC Chapter at University of Maryland-College Park
- Janine Finnell, AEE NCC and National CWEEL Board Member and Executive Director, Leaders in Energy (LE)
Council on Women in Energy and Environmental Leadership (CWEEL) Panel: Perspectives on Advancing Gender Equity in the Energy Industry – 12:30 to 1:45 pm
(Thanks to our CWEEL Lunch Sponsor – Edison Energy)
Moderator: Ida Namur, CEP, Ida Namur, CEP, Associate Vice President, Operations Manager, Southeast Energy Services
- Janine Finnell, Executive Director, Leaders in Energy (LE) and AEE NCC and National CWEEL Board Member
- Janine Helwig, E., C.E.M., CEFP, Director, Utilities & Engineering, Facilities Planning, Construction, & Management, The George Washington University
- Ben Rupert, President, BJR Energy Management
- Laurie Wiegand-Jackson, Owner and President, Utility Advantage and Chair of The Board Of Directors at Council for Women in Energy & Environmental Leadership
Break – 1:45 to 2:00 pm
University and Business Showcase Panels – 2:00 to 6:00 pm
Welcome – 2:00 to 2:15 pm
- Solome Girma, CEM, LEED GA, Director, Program Management Office at District of Columbia Sustainable Energy Utility (DCSEU)
- John Gaffigan, Green Business Lead and Director of Sponsorship and Membership, Leaders in Energy
Keynote Address – 2:15 to 2:30 pm
Reinhard Radermacher, Ph.D., Minta Martin Professor, Director, Center for Environmental Energy Engineering
University Showcase Panel – 2:30 to 3:30 pm
Moderator: Dr. Elvin Yuzugullu, Ph.D., Project Manager, General Dynamics Information Technology (GDIT), Adjunct Professor at The George Washington University’s Engineering Management and Systems Engineering Department, Leaders in Energy Zero Waste Coordinator
- Greg Farley, Director of University Sustainability, George Mason University in Fairfax, VA.
- Tanvi Gadhia, Sustainability Outreach Coordinator, University of Maryland
- Guy Kilpatric, Lead Agricultural Technician, UMD Terp Farm, a partnership with UMD’s Department of Dining Services, College of Agriculture and Natural Resources (AGNR) and Office of Sustainability to manage a sustainable farming operation located just 15 miles from the College Park campus
- Marta Woldu, Department of Transportation Services, University of Maryland
- Student Research Initiatives – Drew Nixon and Patrick Fox (University of Maryland Engineering Students working on wind and kite energy projects)
Julie Woffington, Energy and Sustainability Leader, Boland on 5 Minutes to a Better Building
Refreshment Break – 3:40 to 4:00 pm (Thanks to Boland, our refreshment sponsor)
Business Showcase Panel – 4:00 to 5:00 pm
Moderator: Cara Martin, COO, Optimized Thermal Systems, Inc.
- Sean Casey, AECOM on Smart City applications
- Tom Horner, VP and Co-founder, Water Management
- Aakansha Lam, Founder, and Managing Director of Energy Scalable.
- Michael Makofsky, North East Regional Manager. SHANNON GLOBAL ENERGY SOLUTIONS
- Eric Oliver, Founder, Earthwide
5:00 – 5:15 pm Closing Reflections on Formal Program:
- Tim Witting, AEE NCC President
- Janine Finnell, Executive Director, Leaders in Energy
5:45 pm Raffle Drawing from Exhibitors
- John Gaffigan and Leo Perez, LE Sponsorship Team
6:00 Adjourn
Exhibitor Tables: Open during entire event – 11:00 am to 6:00 pm
(Except when panels are in session)
Extravaganza 2020 Exhibitor Roster
Advanced Biofuels USA
Association of Energy Engineers National Capital Chapter- UMD Chapter and ASHRAE Student Chapter
DC Sustainable Energy Utility
Leaders in Energy
Our Business Our World
Refrigeration Technologies
The United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): Leave No One Behind
Water Management Inc.
(Available when panels are not in session)