Berlin-based author of the techno-cyber thriller Blackout,Marc Elsberg, and cyber and grid resiliency experts will speak at the Leaders in Energy forum on Thursday, June 1, 2017, 6:00pm to 8:30pm at the Make Offices Clarendon, 3100 Clarendon Blvd., #200 in Arlington, VA.
Scott Aaronson, Security Executive at the Edison Electric Institute, Paul Feldman, AMP Electric, OPUS One, and EnergySec cyber/electric grid specialist, and John Morrill, Arlington County Energy Manager on grid resiliency and distributed systems, will join Elsberg at a panel moderated by Dr. Elvin Yüzügüllü, author of Synergies for Sustainable Energy.
Bringing together these experts on cybersecurity and grid resiliency and our Leaders in Energy professional community helps create a safer, brighter future for us all. – Janine Finnell, Executive Director and Clean Energy Ambassador, Leaders in Energy
Leaders in Energy brings together over 2,700 energy and sustainability professionals in over 100 countries. Join us in the Leaders in Energy group on LinkedIn, and don’t forget to follow us on Facebook and Twitter.
This press release has been reposted with the permission of Renewable Energy News Todaywith a few updates. The original can be found here.